Difficult to forget the Team 4 velociraptors,Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo are trained by Owen Grady. They are 4 clever sinister, united, ferocious. We receive a client‘s order from Brook, he wants us to forget about the real Raptor for the time being (in fact, I prefer the Raptor with feathers), according to the Raptor in the reference movie to customize this realistic walking dinosaur costume.
First of all, we need to search a lot of docs from the Internet. These raptors each have their unique personalities and skin colors and even head anatomy. Blue is Our favorite and this is exactly what Brook likes. This dino-suit should have dark bluish-gray skin with a white line with metallic blue in the middle going horizontally from her eye orbit down to the tip of her tail.

Download from google.
Then reference the raptor from Universal Studios, Of course, due to copyright issues, we certainly will not make one hundred percent of the same.So we combined with the appearance of the Raptors were modified, we ensure the Raptor's entire lines.For the front part of the claw, we know very clearly that it should be the clap appearance, but considering the actual use of the beautiful we have changed the production program, now change to this way:

We selected a special material for skin production, joined the 3D printing technology, the whole texture is more detailed and realistic, of course, we still use the whole hand-painted. This whole skin shape, lines are very vivid.

"This one's called Blue. She's the beta."

DCRP718-The Lightest Real Dinosaur Raptor Costume-Mcsdino-Dragon & Dinosaur Costume from MCS on Vimeo.
If you do like our work, please contact us. Bring your favorite dinosaur photos or hand-painted pieces. You with our team will together revive your dinos.